Experience the Stone Age and Ice Age art up close


Experience the Stone Age on a guided hike, a museum tour, or a workshop. I am at your service as a competent guide with over 10 years of practical experience. All guided tours and activities are by individual arrangement only. So please do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested.

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With kind permission © Museum Ulm/Foto: Oleg Kuchar


The Lion Man in the Museum Ulm

Visit the original Lion Man figure in the Museum Ulm with me and get an exciting guided tour on the subject of Ice Age art in the Stone Age.

Duration approx. one hour

Replica of the Lion Man in the Hohlenstein-Stadel


Guided tour in the museum of prehistory "urmu"

Together we walk through the “urmu” in Blaubeuren and get a vast overview of people's life 40,000 years ago based on the exhibits on display.

Duration approx. 1-2 hours

View from the Bockstein cave


Hike to the Hohlenstein Cave

Starting from the Bissingen hiking car park we walk to the archaeological site where the Lion Man figure was found. On the way, we will shed light on many aspects of the life of the Stone Age creators of the Lion Man.

Duration approx. 3 hours

Hike to the Bockstein and Hohlenstein caves

Starting at the Bockstein cave hiking car park we will visit both caves. As part of the tour, we look at the Stone Age life and work of Homo sapiens and the Neanderthals.

Duration approx. 3 hours (Steep ascent)

Photographer: Ernst Wittmann

Workshop Stone Age Fire making

Under my guidance, you can light a fire yourself. Be it with flint, pyrite and tinder fungus, or with the bow-drill technique using the friction of wood on wood. I am very familiar with both techniques and will show you how to do it and what to look out for.

Duration depending on the number of participants and agreement 1-3 hours.

Spear thrower (Atlatl) and hunting sticks

In practical use we experience hunting techniques of the Stone Age. You will be amazed at the efficiency of the spear thrower and realise that it is not that difficult to use.

Duration depending on the number of participants and agreement 1-3 hours.